Product Name: 4 Bike Gated Eco Cycle Shelter and Rack
Product Code: USP/GS4/2HR
Size: 2050 mm Long x 2040 mm Wide x 2100 mm High
Description: 4 Cycle Capacity Shelter Complete with Sheffield toast rack
Carriage: Free UK Mainland delivery (other destinations please telephone for a quote)
Description: 4 Bike Gated Cycle Shelter Complete with Cycle Rack, perforated galvanised steel gates and petguv polycarbonate side panels and back panels
4 Cycle Capacity Shelter Complete with Sheffield toast rack and lockable gates and all panels.
This shelter is made with a mild steel frame and is Plate Mounted Bolt down. The Eco Cycle Shelter is very easy to assemble and is delivered flat pack. The shelter is lightweight yet robust, and being galvanised will give maximum protection from rust for many years. This is a full size shelter and will take up to 4 adult cycles. The assembly is very straight forward. The shelters are available in Galvanised finish only. However, if you want a painted shelter, simply assemble the frame and paint it to the desired colour (leave it to dry) and then fit the sheeting. To hand paint a shelter will only take about 45 minutes.