Product Name: 4 Bike Eco Cycle Shelter and Rack
Product Code: USP/ES4/2HR
Size: 2050 mm Long x 2040 mm Wide x 2100 mm High
Description: 4 Cycle Capacity Shelter Complete with
Sheffield toast rack
Carriage: Free UK Mainland delivery (other destinations please telephone for a quote)
Product information: The Cycle Shelters are made with a mild steel frame and are Plate Mounted Bolt down. The Eco Cycle Shelter is very easy to assemble and is delivered as a flat pack. The shelter is lightweight yet robust, and being galvanised will give maximum protection from rust for many years. This is a full size shelter and will take up to 4 adult cycles.
The assembly is very straight forward. Our shelters are available in Galvanised finish only. However if you want a painted shelter, simply assemble the frame and paint it to the desired colour (leave it to dry) and then fit the sheeting. To hand paint a shelter will only take about 45 minutes.
The Cycle Rack is manufactured with 50 mm x 25mm RHS Section and is also fully HOT DIPPED GALVANISEDTO BS EN ISO 1461:1999. When assembled can be bolted directly to any suitable ground surface.